Marshall Islands – Fish – Set of 17 – Scott #168-184,170a,173a,b


Marshall Islands 1988/1989 – Fish – MINT

Set of 17 including booklet pane placements

Marshall Islands-Scott #168-184, 170a, 173a,b

1 in stock

SKU: Marsh Is-Sc #168-184,170a,173a,b Categories: , , , , Tags: ,


Marshall Islands 1988/1989 – Fish – MINT

Set of 17 including booklet pane placements – Note Multiple Images

Scott #170a (booklet pane placements)
14c value…left placement and right placement
Scott #173a (booklet pane placements)
22c value…left placement and right placement
Scott #173b (booklet pane placements)
14c and 22c Se-tenant booklet placement
Set of 17:
(#168: 1c value): Damselfish
(#169: 3c value): Blackface butterflyfish
(#170: 14c value): Hawkfish
(#171: 15c value): Balloonfish
(#172: 17c value): Trunk fish
(#173: 22c value): Lyretail wrasse
(#174: 25c value): Parrotfish
(#175: 33c value): White-spotted boxfish
(#176: 36c value): Spotted boxfish
(#177: 39c value): Surgeonfish
(#178: 44c value): Long-snouted butterflyfish
(#179: 45c value): Trumpetfish
(#180: 56c value): Sharp-nosed puffer
(#181: $1 value): Seahorse
(#182: $2 value): Ghost pipefish
(#183: $5 value): Big-spotted triggerfish
(#184: $10 value): Blue Jack

Marshall Islands-Scott #168-184, 170a, 173a,b