Cook Islands – Scott #179-191


Cook Islands 1967 – Decimal Currency Overprint Issue

Set of 13 – MINT

CI-Scott #179-191


Cook Islands 1967 – Definitive Issue/Solar Eclipse/Self-Government-
Decimal Currency Overprint Issue

Set of 13 – MINT

(#179: 1c value): Tiare Maori
(#180: 2c value): Fishing God
(#181a: .2½c value): Frangipani, horiz.
(#182: 3c value): Flag of New Zealand and Map of Cook Islands
(#183: 4c value): Fairy Tern, horiz.
(#184: 5c value): Hibiscus, horiz.
(#185: 5c value): Solar Eclipse and Palm Tree
(#186: 7c value): Bonito
(#187: 10c value): Oranges, horiz.
(#188: 15c value): Queen Elizabeth II  [in RED]
(#189: 30c value): Administration building, Mangaia  [in RED]
(#190: 50c value): Ship in Rarotonga Harbor  [in RED]
(#191: $1 value): London Missionary Society Church & graveyard,
[in RED] “10/  $1.00” and 3 bars over old value

CI-Scott #179-191